

National League


  1. the older of the two major professional U.S. baseball leagues, established in 1876. : N.L.

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Example Sentences

They use Ryan Braun, the 2011 National League MVP, as an example of how PEDs are supposed to boost numbers.

The San Francisco Giants, a National League team, won the World Series, which means Obama should win reelection.

I wouldn't have known it was a place if I didn't see the National League for Democracy sign.

And this dispensing power is to be exercised in favour of the subjects of the National League.

Is it that the right honorable gentleman has conceived a sudden affection for the National League?

Clarke is known as one of the most wicked sliders in the National League.

The game was won, the pennant cinched, and the Giants once more were the champions of the National League.

They can refuse police protection to persons whose lives are in danger from the National League.



